Investing in 13 clusters of wireless loudspeakers in difficult communes of Dakrong district, Quang Tri province

With the support of Save the Children, on September 7 and 8, 2020, Dakrong District Red Cross Association coordinated with the district Center for Culture, Sports and Sports to install 13 wireless loudspeaker clusters for 19 villages of 2 communes A Bung and A Vao, district Dakrong (commune A Bung 10 groups and commune A Vao 3 groups). Each cluster includes a controller and speaker system, with a total cost of 130 million VND.

 Grassroots loudspeaker system helps people to access information quickly and effectively - Photo: L.P

Grassroots loudspeaker system helps people to access information quickly and effectively - Photo: L.P

With the characteristics of mountainous areas, wide areas and quite different ways, the investment in wireless loudspeakers system helps people to access information quickly and effectively. Thereby contributing to raising awareness of the people in observing the Party's guidelines and lines, the State's policies and laws.

Especially in the period of increasing COVID-19 prevention measures, the grassroots loudspeaker system plays an important role, helping people access information every day and every hour to actively prevent epidemics.

Lam Phuong

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