Latest information about wall collapse killed 10 people in Dong Nai

Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung said that there will be professional guidance to prevent risks during the construction process with large wall forms.

Dong Nai Province has just released a press release regarding a serious incident causing 10 deaths at AV HEALTHCARE Joint Stock Company - 100% Korean capital, producing sanitary napkins, diapers and milk bottles (Factory AV), located in 500ha Giang Dien Industrial Zone, Trang Bom District.

Immediately after the serious accident, on the morning of May 15, Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung led a Ministry of Construction mission to inspect the site.

Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung and the mission at the site

Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung and the mission at the site

At the field site, Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung carefully inspected construction drawings, checked information from representatives of the Management Board of Industrial Zones, Department of Construction. Shortly thereafter, the Deputy Minister and the delegation had a meeting with the leaders of Dong Nai People's Committee.

According to the Deputy Minister, in order to quickly solve the accident, it must block the scene and solve the labor rights. Those actions were done with right manner by the Dong Nai Province. The Ministry of Construction also agreed with the provincial leaders to stop construction works of the investor until the cause was identified and responsibilities were clarified.

The Ministry of Construction assigns the Department of State Quality Inspection and the Institute of Construction Science and Technology to coordinate with the Department of Safety Management of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to conduct a study and give a Directive on this matter.

By Khanh Phuong


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