Doanh nghiệp giao dịch cổ phiếu số lượng lớn hôm nay 2/1

Hôm nay 2/1, có 6 doanh nghiệp bắt đầu giao dịch cổ phiếu số lượng lớn gồm: BLN, JOS, TV6, L14, PVI, VRC.

Doanh nghiệp giao dịch cổ phiếu số lượng lớn hôm nay 20/12

Hôm nay 20/12, có 4 doanh nghiệp bắt đầu giao dịch cổ phiếu số lượng lớn gồm: VNC, BLN, QNS và PRE.

Chứng khoán ngày 7/11: HPG, PVT và PET đều khả quan?

Các công ty chứng khoán đã đưa ra những khuyến nghị gì cho cổ phiếu HPG, PVT và PET trong phiên ngày 7/11?

9 doanh nghiệp chốt quyền trả cổ tức bằng tiền mặt hôm nay 24/8

Hôm nay 24/8, có 9 doanh nghiệp chốt quyền trả cổ tức bằng tiền mặt, trong đó cổ tức của Công ty Cổ phần Chế tạo Bơm Hải Dương (mã chứng khoán CTB) cao nhất với tỷ lệ 15%.

29 doanh nghiệp chốt trả cổ tức, tuần từ ngày 21 đến 25/8

Các ngày trong tuần từ 21 đến 25/8, có 29 doanh nghiệp chốt trả cổ tức cho cổ đông, trên các sàn HoSE, HNX và UPCoM.

Cuba tung biện pháp mới thúc đẩy kênh thanh toán điện tử

Việc thúc đẩy thanh toán điện tử giúp minh bạch hóa dòng tiền và kiểm soát tài chính tốt hơn.

Chứng khoán ngày 21/7: PTB, DRC và NT2 có gì đặc biệt?

Các công ty chứng khoán đã đưa ra những khuyến nghị gì cho cổ phiếu PTB, DRC và NT2 trong phiên ngày 21/7?

Chứng khoán ngày 28/6: BMP, VGI và PLX được khuyến nghị ra sao?

Các công ty chứng khoán đã đưa ra những khuyến nghị gì cho cổ phiếu BMP, VGI và PLX trong phiên ngày 28/6?

Mỹ: Giới đầu tư kỳ vọng lãi suất cao hơn khi áp lực lạm phát gia tăng

Lạm phát ở Mỹ cao hơn so với dự kiến và chi tiêu tiêu dùng tăng mạnh đã làm giới đầu tư kỳ vọng lãi suất sẽ tiếp tục tăng, khi các dự đoán về chính sách tiền tệ trong tương lai lại thay đổi nhanh chóng.

Chứng khoán ngày 5/5: IDC khả quan trong khi DWG hạ xuống trung lập

Một số mã chứng khoán được các công ty chứng khoán khuyến nghị trước phiên giao dịch ngày 5/5.

Petrolimex Commercial Bank raises share price

The Petrolimex Commercial Joint Stock Bank (PGB) has listed shares at VND 37,000 per share.

Increase in domestic cash inflow in stock market

At a time when foreign capital inflow had begun to show signs of slowing, domestic capital inflow has returned once again.

Business disinvestments worrisome for banks

Investors and shareholders have been left surprised with corporations and businesses divesting from commercial banks at a starting price higher than the market price. With this move, banks too remain worried as once these big businesses divest then banks will no longer receive any incentives.

Foreign capital fails to create waves

During the last three weeks, capital inflow from foreign investors lent strong support to the stock market. At HoSE, the average daily buying accounted for about 16.3 percent of total transactions, and on some special days even accounted for 36 percent. Many investors were seen contemplating the possibility of new capital pushing the stock market up.

Significant decline in foreign direct investments

There has been a significant decline in the number of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Vietnam in the first two months of this year.

Pressure of high interest rate eased

On the afternoon of 14 March, many investors were left startled when the State Bank of Vietnam decided to reduce the operating interest rate and the short-term lending interest rate of credit institutions for a number of economic sectors from 5.5 per cent per year to 5.0 per cent per year. The immediate effect led to the stock market exploding by 2.1 percentage points in the session on 15 March.

Tax department needs to keep pace with E-commerce

Revenue collected from taxes of E-commerce activities in Vietnam as well as cross-border digital platforms has been gradually and steadily increasing in the last few years. Nonetheless, despite the development speed of E-commerce within the country and increase in cross-border digital services, the revenue increase has been rather insignificant.

Ministries to resolve impediments in real estate

Many ministries have now stepped in to begin removing hurdles that are obstructing the growth of the real estate market in Vietnam.

Banks maintain caution towards real estate crisis

Banks are maintaining a cautious approach in dealing with the current crisis in the real estate market.

Crisis in real estate remains unresolved

There are conflicting opinions among the people on whether the real estate market should be given support and bailed out from its current crisis.

Real estate must not solely depend on banks

When some representatives of real estate enterprises began to complain of difficulties that they were facing in receiving capital, the head of the State Bank of Vietnam categorically stated that the State Bank of Vietnam has not yet issued a statement on the tightening of credit for real estate businesses, as lending solely depends on appraisal by credit institutions for businesses that can still ensure safe operations.

Low consumer spending affects retail stocks

Investors are turning away from retail stocks after businesses are showing a decline in their financial results.

Global economic slowdown will affect Vietnam

The current global economic slowdown will greatly affect the economy of Vietnam in days to come due to increased interest rates and tightening of the monetary policy by central banks. However, we believe that the Government will find a solution to support the economy by increasing the disbursement of public investment.

Market sees strong impact of foreign capital

The first trading month of 2023 saw only 16 sessions due to the Lunar New Year holiday break, but nonetheless, Foreign Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) poured in more than VND 2,247 bln into the stock market. In January 2023, the amount of foreign capital that poured into HoSE amounted to VND 3,797 bln.

Stock market reaction positive to interest rate hike

When the US Federal Reserve (FED) raised the interest rate recently the stock market reacted positively, unlike when in 2022 the continuous raising of the interest rate by the FED had caused panic across markets.

Imperative to revive cash flow in current market

The Ho Chi Minh City Real Estate Association (HoREA) recently submitted a written proposal to the Ministry of Finance for submitting to the Government for further consideration and amendment of Decree 65/2022/ND-CP for implementing strict regulations for bonds issuers, credit rating consultants, and bonds consultants. This is being seen as imperative in clearing the path for cash to flow again in the current market.

Foreign investors continue net buying trend

Foreign investors have maintained a net buying position on the stock market since November 2022, partly contributing to maintaining confidence in the recovery of the VN Index.

Government determined to strengthen and stabilize the market

One of the key goals of the Government for 2023 is to consolidate the capital mobilization channels for businesses, as well as strengthen the stock market and the corporate bonds market.

Businesses need capital more than support package

As per Decree 31/2022/ND-CP of the Government and Circular 03/2022/TT-NHNN of the State Bank of Vietnam, the VND 40,000 bln interest rate support package from the state budget is expected to help businesses access cheap capital to recover in the post-pandemic phase.

Ministry assesses profit and loss of FDI enterprises

The Ministry of Finance has sent a report to the Prime Minister on the latest financial statement for 2021 of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) enterprises in Vietnam. Profits and losses of FDI enterprises have drawn the attention of the public at large.

China reopens after drastic zero covid policy

The reopening of China after it clamped its doors with the drastic zero Covid policy is encouraging for investors in Vietnam, as China is its largest trading partner.

Exporters foresee tough challenges in 2023

Although the last months of the year had seen a substantial drop in export orders, the textile and garment industry, as well as the seafood industry, still ended the year with positive results.

Vietnam-South Korea strengthen bilateral relations

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Vietnam and South Korea diplomatic relations, representatives of the two countries met to reiterate their relationship for a stronger comprehensive strategic partnership.

Pragmatic approach to businesses needed

Most businesses that are in need of capital in the current economic scenario expect a regulatory adjustment, as most of them are facing extreme difficulties in running their entire operations.

Vietnamese business sues Amazon in US

There is much public attention in Vietnam after the Binh Thanh Import-Export Production Trading Joint Stock Company (Gilimex) sued the Amazon company in the New York State Court in the US for USD 280 million for loss of revenue.

Market cautious as stocks indicate uncertainty

At the end of the financial year the market is often bullish. This occurs on the belief that mutual funds will beautify year-end reports by pulling up stock prices for the sake of shareholders. However, this year it looks like things are about to change.

Real estate stocks in crisis

Real estate enterprises are facing many difficulties, from tightening of credit policy, pressure of bonds maturity, and selling off mortgages of stocks. However, this could also be the right opportunity to buy real estate stocks when the price drops to bottom.

Expansion of credit limit good for market

Businesses have for long faced a crunch of capital and difficulty in accessing credit from banks.

Businesses in dire need of support

The move made by some commercial banks to reduce the lending interest rate, and the decision of the State Bank of Vietnam to increase credit by 1.5% to 2% has had a positive impact on manufacturing and export enterprises.

International capital flow restricted to few banks

International capital has flowed into many Vietnamese banks in 2022, which is a good sign indicating the capacity of domestic joint stock commercial banks.

Vietnam dong depreciates against US dollar

Soon after the US Federal Reserve (FED) raised the interest rate by 0.75% for the third consecutive time on 21 September, the Dollar Index (DXY) hit an all-time high in the last 20 years.